
twicli twicli

twicli is a browser-based Twitter client.

  • No need for installation. All you need is a Web browser.
  • Automatically fetches timeline, and show with cool animation.
  • Use cross domain JavaScript to access Twitter directly (no server needed), so your password is sent to Twitter only.

Useful when you are in an Internet cafe, doing something else while viewing Twitter timeline.
Works on Firefox, Safari, Opera, IE8 at the moment, as well as Safari on iPhone/iPod touch
Works on IE7 too, but some parts aren't displayed properly.




Just click the link above, or run it as a bookmarklet.
When you get asked for authorization, please follow the instruction on each page.

Be careful not to hit API request limit (350 requests per hour) by clicking too much. :-P

How to Use

prev usage next
usage usage usage usage



There are also some information about customizing twicli in twicli wiki.

User Stylesheet

You can add your own CSS in "user stylesheet" section of the "+" tab. For example; There are some guys publishing more stylesheets for twicli (=>twicli wiki).


You can register plugins by setting them at the "Preferences" in the "+" tab.
Currently, there are plugins below: